In weeks 5 and 6, the plant begins to transition from vegetative growth to the flowering phase. This means that vegetative growth gradually stops and the plant concentrates its energy on developing flowers. This transition is crucial for the later quality and quantity of the harvest.
How should the light cycle be adjusted?
To induce flowering, the light cycle needs to be adjusted. Change the lighting from an 18/6 rhythm (18 hours of light, 6 hours of darkness) to a 12/12 rhythm. This change signals to the plant that it is time to flower. In addition, a higher proportion of red light (600-700 nm) promotes flower formation.
Which nutrients are important now?
During the transition to the flowering phase, the plant’s nutrient requirements change. Although nitrogen is still important, the need for phosphorus and potassium increases as these elements support flower development. Using a balanced fertilizer specifically formulated for the transition phase can be helpful.
How should the irrigation be adjusted?
The larger the plant, the more water it needs. It is important to keep the soil moist but avoid waterlogging. Allow the top layer of soil to dry slightly between waterings. A water pH value between 6.0 and 6.5 promotes optimum nutrient absorption.
What role do humidity and temperature play?
During this phase, it is important to reduce the humidity to around 40-50% to prevent mold growth. The temperature should be between 20 and 26 °C during the day and drop slightly at night to promote healthy growth.
Does plant training still make sense now?
Weeks 5 and 6 are the last opportunity to apply techniques such as low-stress training (LST) or pruning. By removing lower, shady branches, the plant can focus its energy on developing larger flowers.
What visual signs indicate the transition?
During the transition, small white hairs, the so-called pre-flowers, appear at the nodes of the branches. This signals the start of the flowering phase.
Weeks 5 and 6 are crucial for the success of cannabis cultivation. By carefully adjusting the light, nutrients and environment, you can create optimal conditions for successful flowering and a high-yielding harvest.
Keywords: cannabis cultivation flowering phase, light cycle cannabis, nutrients flower formation, low-stress training cannabis, cannabis humidity flowering
1. when should I change the light cycle to 12/12?
The switch to a 12/12 light cycle should be made in weeks 5 or 6 to initiate the flowering phase.
2. which nutrients are particularly important in the flowering phase?
During the flowering phase, cannabis plants need more phosphorus and potassium to support flower development.
3. how can I prevent mold growth during the flowering phase?
Reducing the humidity to around 40-50% and good ventilation help to prevent mold growth during the flowering phase.