Mittlere Blütephase beim Cannabisanbau mit dichten Blüten und Harzproduktion

Weeks 7-8: Mid-flowering phase in cannabis cultivation

Introduction: What happens in weeks 7 and 8 of cannabis cultivation?

Weeks 7 and 8 in cannabis cultivation are crucial for the quality and yield of your plants. During this phase, plants are fully focused on flower production, and proper care is key to a successful outcome. In this article, you will learn how to optimize lighting, nutrients and other factors to get the best out of your plants.

How does the plant develop in the mid-flowering phase?

In weeks 7 and 8, cannabis plants go through the mid-flowering phase.

  • Flower formation: The flowers become denser and ripen further.
  • Resin production: Trichomes (resin glands) develop and contain cannabinoids such as THC and CBD.
  • Aromas: The plants begin to develop more intense aromas, which indicates increased terpene production.

How should you optimize the lighting?

The right lighting is essential:

  1. Light intensity: Use powerful LED lights with a higher proportion of red light to promote flower development.
  2. Light cycle: Maintain the 12/12 rhythm, which signals the plant to remain in the flowering phase.
  3. Position: Keep the lamps at a distance of 30-45 cm from the plant to avoid burns.

What nutrients does the plant need now?

The nutrient supply changes during this phase:

  • Phosphorus and potassium: These promote flower formation and should be supplied in sufficient quantities.
  • Nitrogen: Reduce the nitrogen content as the plant needs less leaf growth.
  • Supplements: Use boosters with amino acids and micronutrients to maximize resin production.

How important are humidity and temperature?

To create optimal conditions, adjust the environmental parameters:

  • Humidity: Reduce the humidity to 40-50% to prevent mold growth.
  • Temperature: Maintain 22-26 °C during the day and around 18-20 °C at night.

How do you recognize ripe flowers?

  1. Trichomes: Use a microscope to observe the trichomes. Milky trichomes signal the optimal harvest time.
  2. Flower hairs: When most of the hairs change from white to orange or brown, the flowers are ripe.


Mid-flowering stage of cannabis cultivation with dense flowers and resin production
Mid-flowering stage of cannabis cultivation with dense flowers and resin production

The mid-flowering phase requires careful adjustments to lighting, nutrient supply and environmental conditions. With targeted care, you can maximize the harvest quality and achieve outstanding flower development.

Keywords: medium flowering phase cannabis, cannabis light cycle 12/12, cannabis nutrients flowering, trichome observation harvest, cannabis flower development weeks 7-8

1 What is important for lighting during the flowering period?

Look out for milky trichomes and discolored flower hairs to identify the right time to harvest.

2. how can I prevent mold growth in the flowering phase?

Keep the humidity below 50 % and ensure good ventilation.

3. which nutrient is most important in the flowering phase?

Phosphorus and potassium are essential to promote flower development and maximize the harvest.

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